School Imprest System and Administrative Effectiveness of Secondary School Principals in Uyo Senatorial District of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


  • E. E. Usabor Department of Curriculum Studies, Educational Management and Planning University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.


Effectiveness, Principals, School Imprest


This research was conducted to investigate the prediction of principals’
administrative effectiveness based on imprest received by the schools.
Two research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide
the researcher. Survey design was adopted for the study. Population of
the study was 472. This consisted 86 principals and 380 vice principals
in public secondary schools in Uyo Senatorial District. Multi-stage
sampling technique was used. The total sample used was 180. 36
principals and 144 vice principals at the ratio of 1:2. Opinion
questionnaire for vice principals (OQVP) and school Imprest
Questionnaire for Principals (SIQP) were constructed by the researcher
for the study. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used to test the
reliability of the instrument. The two research questions were answered
using simple linear regression analysis: and the two hypotheses were
tested by Analysis of Variance of the Simple Linear Regression Analysis.
The result revealed that school imprest significantly predicted principals’
ability to provide learning facilities and maintain school buildings.
Among recommendations made was that each school must open an imprest
account to enable government’s supervision on the imprest fund execution.


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How to Cite

Usabor, E. E. (2014). School Imprest System and Administrative Effectiveness of Secondary School Principals in Uyo Senatorial District of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 5(3), 20–24. Retrieved from


