Introduction of Comparative Religion as General Studies in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions’ Curriculum: A Panacea to the Rising Intolerance among Religious Groups


  • M. O. Okai Department of Religious Studies, Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria


Extremism, Intolerance, Curriculum, Comparative Religion


Recent events, though different in many ways, have highlighted the
misunderstanding and intolerance often generated by expression of religious
beliefs. This review is to assess the need for the introduction of comparative
relogion in general studies curriculum in Nigerian tertiary institutions;
considering this act as a panacea for the rising intolerance among religious
groups. The aim is to present the comparative religious benefits such as providing
adequate and concrete information on the tenets and nature of different faiths
and philosophies; transfer such data to others, so that they can complement
instead of conflicting each other. Qualitative data on cases of religious violence
in Nigeria from 1999 to 2013 were gathered through the secondary source. The
study reveals that most violent conflicts today, contain religious elements linked
up with ethno-national, inter-state, economic, territorial, cultural, and other
issues. Threatening the meaning of life, conflicts based on religion tend to become
dogged, tenacious and brutal types of wars. Hence, this work proposes the
inclusion of the teaching of comparative religion in general studies so as to
remedy the intolerance existing among religious groups thereby reducing or
eliminating religious conflicts in the country.


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How to Cite

Okai, M. O. (2013). Introduction of Comparative Religion as General Studies in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions’ Curriculum: A Panacea to the Rising Intolerance among Religious Groups. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(3), 26–34. Retrieved from


