Educational Challenges and Prospects of Using Internet among Library and Information Science Students of Delta State University, Abraka and Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma in Nigeria


  • Odede Israel Department of Library & Information Science, Delta State University, Abraka
  • Enakerakpo Edesiri Department of Library & Information Science, Delta State University, Abraka


Library and Information Science Students, Use of Internet, Challenges, Educational Prospects


The aim of this study is to analyze the educational challenges and prospects of
using internet among library and information science students. From the
population, 238 undergraduates in the Department of Library and Information
Science, Delta State University, Abraka, and Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma
were selected randomly as sample size for the study. A well structured questionnaire
was distributed among the 238 undergraduates. The population for this study is
1190. This consists of all full-time undergraduate students in the Department of
Library and Information Science, Delta State University Abraka and Ambrose
Ali University, Ekpoma. This study employed descriptive statistics such as
percentages and frequencies as well as mean to analyze the data. The study
reveals that the undergraduates use the internet to access a wide range of
information resources, to search for specific information as well as to complement
a lecture and gain more knowledge. Responses from the undergraduates also
show that slow internet access speed, erratic power supply and too long time to
view/download web pages are the major problems encountered by them while
using the internet. Therefore, it is recommended among other things that these
challenges can be over come through different mechanism such as the purchase
of upgraded version of modem by undergraduates which will help to overcome
the problem of slow internet access speed.

Author Biography

Enakerakpo Edesiri, Department of Library & Information Science, Delta State University, Abraka


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How to Cite

Israel, O., & Edesiri, E. (2013). Educational Challenges and Prospects of Using Internet among Library and Information Science Students of Delta State University, Abraka and Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(3), 72–79. Retrieved from


