The Effectiveness of using Inquiry as a Method of Teaching Social Studies in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions


  • J. O. Okogu Social Science Education Department, Delta State University, Abraka


effective academic performance, learning skills acquisition, Inquiry method, skills acquisition


The study reviews the effective use of inquiry as a method of teaching Social
Studies students in Nigerian tertiary institutions. The Social Studies subject is
interdisciplinary in nature and content. Teaching it at this level requires the use
of inquiry method to enable the students participate actively in the learning
process in the normal classroom situation. The theoretical framework of the
study is hinged on learning skills acquisition and development that are necessary
for achieving academic excellence in Nigeria tertiary institutions. Therefore the
inquiry strategies are recommended for teaching Social Studies through lead
questions, affirmative questions, subjective questions, use of adverbial clause,
use of phrases and objective questions.


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How to Cite

Okogu, J. O. (2013). The Effectiveness of using Inquiry as a Method of Teaching Social Studies in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(2), 83–87. Retrieved from


