Evaluation Techniques as Component of Teachers’ Competencies for the Teaching of Social Studies in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions


  • J. O. Okogu Social Science Education Department Delta State University, Abraka.


domain, affective, psychomotor, cognitive, teachers' competencies, Evaluation technique


This study aimed at appraising Evaluation Techniques as Component of Teachers
Competencies for the Teaching of Social Studies in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.
The theoretical framework of the study is hinged on the aims and objectives of
Nigeria social studies education. The aims and objectives are condensed into
three broad areas informational learning, Skills learning, attitudes and values
learning that are relevant to Nigerian students' intellectual development and
upbringing. Evaluation techniques have relationship with teachers' competencies
for teaching in schools. It is the means through which teaching is evaluated on
the side of the teachers and learning on the side of the students. They are employed
in schools by teachers in evaluating the students. These techniques include
questioning, field trip, note-taking, continuous assessment, teacher made tests
among others. The tools are useful for the proper and accurate placement of
students. They help to determine the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills),
and affective (attitude) domain of learning among students, most especially, in
our tertiary institutions of learning. Conclusion was made based on the usefulness
of evaluation techniques as it relates to teachers competencies for teaching in
Nigerian schools.

Author Biography

J. O. Okogu, Social Science Education Department Delta State University, Abraka.


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How to Cite

Okogu, J. O. (2012). Evaluation Techniques as Component of Teachers’ Competencies for the Teaching of Social Studies in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(3), 15–18. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1298


