School Community Relations as Panacea for Community Involvement in Secondary Schools Development in Nigeria


  • E. D. Nakpodia Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Delta State University, Abraka - Nigeria.


Nigeria, Development, Education, Participation, Community


This paper deals with school community relations as panacea for community
involvement in secondary schools development in Nigeria. The school as a social
organization is an integral and almost inseparable part of the community in
which it is located. The full values of education can only be realized by a close
co-operation between the school and community, yet the area has often received
little attention in development of secondary schools in terms of school
management, curriculum development, financial and disciplinary matters. In a
nutshell, conclusion was drawn that there should be a growing interest in
secondary school development by community involvement through a school -
community symbiotic relationship. When the issue of community involvement in
schools is placed in focus, the usual effort that cooperation rather than antagonism
should characterize it. Hence, this paper emphasized the involvement of
community in the development of education, which refers to switching from the
usual practice of schools´ relations with parents in the running of schools to the
full involvement of parents and the community in the development of the schools.
It was therefore, recommended that schools and community should have cordial
relationship in the development and use of secondary schools in the country by
community involvement in terms of enlightenment programmes, social amenities,
infrastructure facilities and finance.


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How to Cite

Nakpodia, E. D. (2013). School Community Relations as Panacea for Community Involvement in Secondary Schools Development in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 4(1), 44–52. Retrieved from


