Counselling Strategies for Handling Inappropriate Communication Patterns among Workers in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions


  • O. A. Olakojo Department of Educational Pyschology Emmanuel Alayande College of Education, Oyo Lanlate Campus, Oyo State, Nigeria.


Communication is a daily routine for every man irrespective of age, religion,
status, beliefs and opinion. It involves the transmission of message(s) from one
person to another or group of people. Meaningful and purposeful communication
can be realized through verbal (use of words, vocabulary, tone and vocalization)
and non-verbal cues (physical environment, movement and body position and
paralanguage). Communication is found to be very important in aiding good
interpersonal relationship among academic and non-academic staff in Nigerian
tertiary institutions. Thus, inappropriate communication patterns will have
serious consequences in their relationships. In this paper therefore, the researcher
posits that one counseling theory, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
when employed can assist Academic and Non-Academic Staff in handling
inappropriate communication pattern thereby strengthening their good
interpersonal relationships. The researcher therefore made certain
recommendations based on the findings in handling Inappropriate
Communication Patterns among Academic and Non-Academics Staff workers in
Nigerian Tertiary Institutions.


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How to Cite

Olakojo, O. A. (2012). Counselling Strategies for Handling Inappropriate Communication Patterns among Workers in the Nigerian Tertiary Institutions. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(2), 43–51. Retrieved from


