Accessibility and Suitability of Public Library Services among the Agencies of Government to Users of Information in Nigeria: A Case Study of Bauchi State Library Board


  • A. A. Isyaku Assistant Librarian, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Library, Bauchi, Nigeria


Public libraries are established to serve the educational, informational and
recreational needs of user community without discrimination. This study adopted
a descriptive survey as its research design. The purpose was to evaluate
accessibility and suitability of public library services in Bauchi, with special
reference to the state library board. It tries to find out why users fail to utilize the
libraries regularly, and if they use the libraries at all, what reasons do they have
for using the libraries. Random sampling technique was employed to select 100
respondents from the library. Findings revealed that majority of the library users
are students followed by teachers, while small proportion of the users are civil
servants and other member of the public. Finally, it was recommended among
other things that capacity building program should be introduce for librarians
to enable them update their knowledge of library promotion for effective
utilization; children's library resources should also be improved.


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How to Cite

Isyaku, A. A. (2012). Accessibility and Suitability of Public Library Services among the Agencies of Government to Users of Information in Nigeria: A Case Study of Bauchi State Library Board. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(2), 57–63. Retrieved from


