Curriculum Implementation In Nigerian Schools: Resolving The Lesson Plan/Note Controversy In Lesson Preparation


  • C. A. Okwuedei Curriculum and Instruction Department Delta State College of Physical Education, Mosogar, Delta State, Nigeria


Curriculum implementation, lesson plan, lesson note, lesson preparation


The aphorism that "the secret to success in any endeavour is planning" cannot be
disputed in teaching. Teachers should therefore, endeavour to address a huge
range of issues as they go out to prepare their lessons. This is because planning
for presentation is a sine qua non for good teaching. In response to these ideals,
the paper gave conceptual clarifications of the terms curriculum and curriculum
implementation. It also aimed at resolving the purported confusion and controversy
over the unfortunate problem of the "how" of planning by clarifying the differences
between the lesson plan and lesson note and justified why both terms should be
used synonymously. The study revealed that lesson plan is derived from a teaching
unit or scheme of work that extends over one single lesson. The lesson note, in
specific terms, is a plan for teaching a single class period. It also disclosed that
the essential features of a good lesson plan/note are the same. Therefore,workshops
and seminars should be organized for teachers, especially newly recruited teachers,
to sensitize them on the daily teaching plan in their planning endeavours.


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How to Cite

Okwuedei, C. A. (2010). Curriculum Implementation In Nigerian Schools: Resolving The Lesson Plan/Note Controversy In Lesson Preparation. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(2&3), 98–103. Retrieved from


