Technical And Vocational Education: A Means To Self-Employment And The Realization Of Nigeria Vision 20-20-20


  • A.G. Mshelia Department of Business Education, Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria
  • L. Abbas Agricultural Science Teacher Federal Government College, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria


Nigeria, vision 20-20-20, Technical and Vocational Education


The importance of technical and vocational education to the economic development
of Nigeria was reviewed in this study. Some areas where Nigerians can acquire
vocational and technical skills include institutions of learning, NDE, and some
centres/programmes that have been put in place by Government at all levels to
encourage the acquisition of technical and vocational education. Factors such
as poor policy implementation, funding, fraudulent practices, mismanagement of
funds, politics in policy formulation and/or implementation, and lack of trainers
militate against the success of most, if not all of such programmes. It was further
observed that if the Federal Government's emphasis on self employment, and the
vision 20-20-20 dream must be realized, then technical and vocational education
must be given proper attention. Hence, establishment of more technical and
vocational institutions, adequate funding of federal government programmes, and
good incentives for technical and vocational teachers were among the


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How to Cite

Mshelia, A., & Abbas, L. (2012). Technical And Vocational Education: A Means To Self-Employment And The Realization Of Nigeria Vision 20-20-20. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 64–69. Retrieved from


