Leadership Related Variables Influencing Job Performance Of Staff In Delta State Polytechnics Libraries, Nigeria


  • G. Anyaobi The Library, Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, Nigeria
  • M. O. Nina-okpousung The Library, Delta State Polytechnic, Ogwashi-Uku, Nigeria
  • O. Akpoma The Library, Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-oghara


This study investigated the leadership related variables influencing job
performance of staff in Delta State Polytechnics Libraries. The research employed
a descriptive survey design. The population of this study consists of all the
polytechnics library workers in Delta State; which include professionals, Paraprofessional and non-professionals. The population consists of seventy-five library
workers. The instrument used for collecting data for this study was questionnaire
entitled "leadership related variables influencing job performance questionnaire"
(LRFIJPQ). Simple percentage was used for data analysis. The research revealed
among others that participative and democratic leadership styles has more positive
influence on staff performance. Hence, it is plausible to encourage among library
leaders to adopt participatory and democratic leadership style in the management
of library staff in their various institutions as this would enhance their staff


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How to Cite

Anyaobi, G., Nina-okpousung, M. O., & Akpoma, O. (2012). Leadership Related Variables Influencing Job Performance Of Staff In Delta State Polytechnics Libraries, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 79–84. Retrieved from http://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1269


