An Assessment Of Teachers Use Of Computer For Instructional Delivery In Public Secondary Schools In Lagos State, Nigeria


  • T. C. Ogundipe Nigeria French Language Village Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria


global education, proficiency, instruction, teacher-attitude, teacher, Computer


This study adopted the survey design to assess teachers' use of computer for
instructional delivery in public secondary schools in Lagos state. Purposive
sampling technique was used to draw the sample for the study. Structured
questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents. Data were
analyzed using frequency count and simple percentage. Findings revealed that
availability of computer and internet facilities, competency level of teachers on
computer utilization for instruction was very low and inadequate to cope with the
recent trend, while teachers has a very good attitude to computer and internet
utilization. It is therefore recommended that government and educational managers
should invest more on human resource development, provision of computer system
and other resources that cannot be improvised locally.

Author Biography

T. C. Ogundipe, Nigeria French Language Village Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Ogundipe, T. C. (2012). An Assessment Of Teachers Use Of Computer For Instructional Delivery In Public Secondary Schools In Lagos State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 3(1), 96–102. Retrieved from


