Integrating Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition In The University Curriculum For National Development


  • S. O. Emaikwu Department of Educational Foundations and General Studies College of Agricultural and Science Education Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria


job seeking, self-employment, Entrepreneurship


One of the weaknesses of the Nigeria's education system is its failure to prepare
graduates for self-employment and business entrepreneurship. The system
encourages the graduates to follow the tradition of job seeking. The general
notion is that a good job is a government job, and not a job in the private sector.
In Nigeria currently the economic environment has changed drastically so much
so that the public sector is diminishing in job creation and economic liberalization
is taking place to the extent that public enterprises are being privatized thus
making the private sector an engine of economic growth. This article evaluates
the introduction of entrepreneurship skills acquisition in the university
curriculum. The article gives inputs on entrepreneurship skills acquisition by
supporting its integration into the curriculum of universities as a panacea for
self reliance. Besides extolling the benefits derivable from entrepreneurship
education, the article equally points out the likely impediments of this innovative
educational practice. Various affirmative action programmes for smooth
implementation of entrepreneurship education in the university curriculum were


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How to Cite

Emaikwu, S. O. (2011). Integrating Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition In The University Curriculum For National Development. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 140–151. Retrieved from


