Use Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) In Teaching Of Science Subjects In Nigerian Secondary Schools


  • E. H. Avwiri Institute of Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


Students, Science, Teaching, ICT


Information and communication technology (ICT) is a "magic bullet" that has
changed many aspect of the teaching of science subjects in school. It has become
a conveyor belt in fields such as Medicine, Engineering, Chemistry, Agriculture,
Biology and others within the past two decades. The use of ICT in teaching of
science has significantly changed methods of teaching in Nigerian schools. ICT
is used as a catalyst for rethinking, teaching practice as well as developing the
quality of teachers. Science is a service-oriented activity. This study looked at
the uses of ICTs in the teaching of science in Nigerian schools. Knowing very
well, that present-day teaching of science challenges cannot be met with
traditional approaches alone. It is high time therefore ICT is considered an
important contribution to the solution of the problems in teaching of science
subjects in our schools. Teaching approaches using contemporary ICTs facilites
provide great opportunities for constructive teaching through their support for
resource-base, student-context and to practice. It is concluded that there is the
need for adequate provision and accessibility of ICT facilities such as computers
and the internet to all science school to enhance quality teaching of science subject
in school as well as ensure that appropriate machinery to ensure that facilities do
not leave any negative impact on the students are put in place.


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How to Cite

Avwiri, E. H. (2011). Use Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) In Teaching Of Science Subjects In Nigerian Secondary Schools. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(2), 10–13. Retrieved from


