Critical Study Of The Educational Role Of Islam To Societal Development


  • R. S. Adeleke Department of Religious Studies Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Ondo State, Nigeria


God, welfare, societal development, Islam


Interplay or relationship between Islam and the societal development must be
accorded significant recognition by the present generation. Through its social
development, Islam is contextually defined as not only a religion or collection of
rituals, but also a complete comprehensive way of life. It was revealed to cater for
the relationship between man and God as well as man and the development of his
environment. Islam transcends the spiritual sphere and permeates a spectrum of
human endeavours. It has made indelible contributions to the educational, cultural,
social, welfare and political development of mankind individually and generally.


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How to Cite

Adeleke, R. S. (2011). Critical Study Of The Educational Role Of Islam To Societal Development. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(2), 65–73. Retrieved from


