School-based Approaches to Skill Identification Models in Introductory Technology under the Universal Basic Education (UBE) System in Nigeria


  • V. O. Uwaifo Department of Vocational and Technical Education Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria


Educational approaches, skill identification, UBE programme


The achievement of self-reliance by any nation depends to some extent on
the availability of trained skilled labour force which is a means of making
people to be good workers so as to be better performers in their own interest
and that of the larger society. Introductory technology under the universal
basic education (UBE) was structured to assist learners to develop interest
in technology. The aim is that at the end of junior secondary school,
technological ignorance will be reduced and solid foundation laid for
students' entrance into a vocation of their choice. It was then expected
that through effective teaching and learning of the course the pupils would
acquire technological skills, and Nigeria by now would have been selfreliant like most other developed nations. Today, it is very obvious that the
contrary seems to be the case. In order to further strengthen the teaching
and learning of the subject, this paper analysis the present teaching pattern
with the prevailing structure and suggested approaches to skill
identification in school-based career that should be adopted and integrated
with the UBE system of education, as a way of creating academic and
vocational awareness in Nigeria youths and making the programme much
more meaningful not only to the learners but to the citizenry at large.
Keywords: , , 


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How to Cite

Uwaifo, V. O. (2010). School-based Approaches to Skill Identification Models in Introductory Technology under the Universal Basic Education (UBE) System in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 46–54. Retrieved from


