Management of Available Infrastructural Facilities and Students' Academic Achievement in Borno State Colleges of Education in Nigeria


  • A. Siqqid Mohammed Department of Sience Education Federal University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria
  • Grema Ali Dapshima Department of Chemistry College of Education, Science and Technology, Bama, Borno State, Nigeria


Management, infrastructure, facilities, academic achievement, Students


The main purpose of this study was to examine management of available infrastructural facilities and students' academic achievement in Borno State Colleges of Education. The survey research design was employed for the study, covering an accessible population of 487 academic staff. The sample size of the study was 195 academic staff randomly selected from the population. These are academic staff from three Colleges of Education with sample sizes of 67, 76 and 52 respectively. Also results of students' academic achievement for the period of five years (2004/2005 - 2008/ 2009 academic sessions) was used in five courses; Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Integrated Science. The data collected through questionnaire and documentary evidence of results were analyzed using mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was established as 0.92 and this was considered high enough to accept the homogeneity of the instrument. The study revealed that there was fairly adequate management of available infrastructural facilities in the colleges and there is significant relationship between management of available infrastructural facilities and students' academic achievement. Based on these findings, it was recommended, among other things that the Borno state Government should improve it management/provision of infrastructural facilities in these colleges of education.


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How to Cite

Mohammed, A. S., & Dapshima, G. A. (2011). Management of Available Infrastructural Facilities and Students’ Academic Achievement in Borno State Colleges of Education in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 7–14. Retrieved from


