Approaches for Effective Teaching of Chemistry in Nigerian Secondary Schools


  • E. Hannah Avwiri Institute of Education, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria


Effective teaching, Schools, Chemistry, Students


This study reviewed the current approach to chemistry teaching in Nigerian
secondary schools. The method by which the teacher presents his materials
to students and the work ahead of them affect their interest and attitude
towards the subject. Chemistry is a subject that is needed by all areas of
medicine, engineering and other science subjects. For it successful study,
the approaches to it teaching become crucial, faulty teaching can hinder
or create a dislike for chemistry by the students. The study highlighted
some of the ways the teaching of chemistry can be effective in Nigerian
secondary schools. The adjustment of students, matching curricular
offering with levels of mental development, motivations and some
appropriate methods of teaching chemistry was looked into in the study.
The researcher concluded that when the students are put into consideration
and appropriate methods are used then the teaching of chemistry can be
effective in our Nigeria schools.


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How to Cite

Avwiri, E. H. (2011). Approaches for Effective Teaching of Chemistry in Nigerian Secondary Schools. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 236–240. Retrieved from


