Travails Of The Polytechnic Architectural Technologist In Nigeria


  • Waziri S. Gumau Department of Architectural Technology Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria
  • A. Osunkunle Department of Architectural Technology Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria


Technology, travail, professional, education


This paper discussed the travails of Polytechnic Architectural Technologist in
Nigeria which starts from the difficulties in securing admission, registration
protocols, securing of accommodation, and others. It assessed the rigors within
the residency period for National Diploma and Higher National Diploma
programmes, the additional one year compulsory Industrial training as well as
the pre and post National Youth Service Corps experiences. Data were mainly
from the secondary source. The study revealed that in the whole of the North-East
Geo-political zone, only Federal Polytechnic Bauchi was qualified to run National
Diploma and Higher National Diploma in Architectural Technology and hence
making admission very difficult for even the qualified students who want to study
the course. Based on the above, it was recommended among others that the
construction industry, Nigerian Institute of Architects and the various Polytechnics
running Architectural Technology programmes should collaborate with relevant
authorities in order to shorten the period of the tutelage (training) of an
Architectural Technologist right from the onset.

Author Biography

A. Osunkunle, Department of Architectural Technology Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi, Bauchi State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Gumau, W. S., & Osunkunle, A. (2010). Travails Of The Polytechnic Architectural Technologist In Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(2&3), 104–110. Retrieved from


