Adult Education And Industrialization In The Context Of Nigeria'S Vision 20-2020


  • G. Adekola Depatrment of Adult and Non-formal Education University of Port-Harcourt, Chobba Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


Adult education, industralization, vision 20-2020, industrial development


This study adopted literature review to examine the place of
adult education in the industrialisation and industrial
development of Nigeria. It discussed the role of the industry
in the education of the adults. The paper concluded that if
Nigeria would attain her ambition of becoming one of the
world's twenty biggest economies by the year 2020, the
industrial sector needs to pay attention to the important role
adult education plays in the process of industrial
development. The adult educators also need to refocus their
programmes for better performance in the industrialization
and industrial development of Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Adekola, G. (2010). Adult Education And Industrialization In The Context Of Nigeria’S Vision 20-2020. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(1), 13–29. Retrieved from


