Adult Instructors' Preference Between Pedagogical And Andragogical Teaching Methodologies In Selected Adult Education Programmes In Rivers State, Nigeria


  • A. E. Ibeh Department of Educational Psychology College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti,Ekiti State, Nigeria.


pedagogy, andragogy, preference, teaching methodology, instructional environment, authoritarian teacher


The Study investigated instructors’ preference between
pedagogical and andragogical teaching methodologies in
selected adult education programmes in Rivers State. Two
hundred instructors drawn from four types of adult
education programmes operating in Rivers State, Nigeria
were required to rate on a five point scale the extent to which
instructors prefer pedagogical and andragogical instruction
using a twenty five item questionnaire tagged "Instructor
Preference for Pedagogy and Andragogy Questionnaire
(IPPQ)". The results of the study using the one-way analysis
of variance showed that there was no significant difference
in the preference for pedagogy across the four programmes
but significant difference in the preference for andragogy.
Consequently, instructional environment in all adult
education programmes in Nigeria while being devoid of
authoritarianism should embrace compromise teaching
methodology that integrates some principles of andragogy
into the principles of pedagogy


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How to Cite

Ibeh, A. E. (2010). Adult Instructors’ Preference Between Pedagogical And Andragogical Teaching Methodologies In Selected Adult Education Programmes In Rivers State, Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(1), 68–83. Retrieved from


