Fiber Optic Networking In Education: A Panacea For National Development In Nigeria


  • S. M. Rafindadi Federal College of Education, Katsina, Nigeria


Fiber optic, networking, education, national development


This paper tackled the issue of fiber optic network and its
implications to education and national development, through
improvement of health facilities, creation of job opportunities
for many Nigerians in communication and transportation
industries and brining about efficiencies in banking network
system. Nigeria is blessed with abundant human and
environmental resources that could be tapped for national
development, but the scattered environmental resources are
left untapped and leave majority Nigerians with poverty and
underdevelopment. With the current issue of global education
of Fiber Optic network system, Nigeria will be able to
actualize its vision of development in the year 2020.


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How to Cite

Rafindadi, S. M. (2010). Fiber Optic Networking In Education: A Panacea For National Development In Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(1), 138–146. Retrieved from


