Social Studies Education In A Multicultural Society As Nigeria: A Conceptual Analysis


  • J. Ireyefoju Department of Social Sciences Education Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria
  • J. Ireyefoju Department of Educational Studies and Management University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria


social studies education, multiculturalism, multicultural education, critical thinking


This paper was an attempt to introduce multicultural
education through social studies education in a multicultural
society. Through conceptual analysis, this it examined how
reflective thinking as a necessary logical condition can
stimulate the learner to developing the right values and
attitudes that can enable him cope with the challenges of
living in a multicultural society. In doing this, this paper
examined the theories of pluralism, the notions of
multiculturalism, social studies and the teaching and
learning of multicultural education. It was concluded that
multicultural education should be incorporated at all levels
of Nigeria education, so that the learner can understand
that the issue of multiculturalism in the Nigerian state can
be solved through education.


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How to Cite

Ireyefoju, J., & Ireyefoju, J. (2010). Social Studies Education In A Multicultural Society As Nigeria: A Conceptual Analysis. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 1(1), 53–67. Retrieved from


