Interrogating the Role of the United Nations Security Council and the Use of Veto Power in the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis


  • Sanni Mufutau Olayiwola Lagos State University, Ojo


Security Council, Veto Power, Middle East Region, United Nations, Contemporary World


This work interrogates the role of the United Nations Security Council in the Use of Veto Power in the Israeli-Palestinian crisis. It is a qualitative study that used thematic approach. It is important to note that the main and cardinal mandate of the Security Council of the United Nations is the maintenance of international peace and security. The Security Council carries out this aforementioned primary function on behalf of the United Nations member States who repose this trust and responsibility on this organ. Despite the UN creation, it failed in preventing the pogrom in the Israeli-Gaza war, Israeli-Lebanese war, the Afghanistan war and the Sudanese war. UN’s failure did not happen in a vacuum but was due to the power tussle syndrome and polarized nature of its mitochondrion, the Security Council. The standoff usually witnessed in this organ frequently stagnates and impedes the efficiency of the UN which snow balls in to global anarchy resulting in to carnage in the region as currently witnessed in the Israeli-Gaza war; the cause of this has usually been attributed to the Veto game. The study argues that UN charter should be amended by removing the Veto power and two third majority voting of the permanent and non-permanent members of the Security Council.


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How to Cite

Olayiwola, S. M. (2024). Interrogating the Role of the United Nations Security Council and the Use of Veto Power in the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 15(1), 39–52. Retrieved from