Impact of Using Edmodo as a Blended Learning Strategy on Promoting Early Childhood Care Education and Pre-Service Teachers Academic Achievement in Mathematics


  • Eugene Chukwuemeka Unamba Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri
  • Rita Chigozie Osuala Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri
  • Racheal Ukachi Urenyere Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education, Owerri


Academic Achievement, Early Childhood Care Education, Edmodo, Mathematics, Pre-Service Teachers


The study examines Impact of Using Edmodo as a Blended Learning Strategy on Promoting Early Childhood Care Education Pre-Service Teachers Academic Achievement in Mathematics. Based on the purpose of the study three hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprised of six hundred and three (603) pre-service teachers. A sample of two hundred and thirty-five (235) Pre-service teachers was selected. The study adopted non-randomized pretest-posttest Quasi-experimental design. “Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) was used to collect data for this study. The reliability co-efficient(r) of 0.86 obtained using kuder-Richardson 2O method. Data collected were analyzed using ANCOVA to test the hypotheses at a 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that revealed that Edmodo as a blended learning strategy enhanced pre-service teacher’s achievement in mathematics bridged the gap between difference level of achievers and reduced gender achievement gaps in was recommended that Mathematics teachers at the tertiary school level should employ Edmodo learning approach in teaching to enhanced learners; achievement.


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How to Cite

Unamba, E. C., Osuala, R. C., & Urenyere, R. U. (2024). Impact of Using Edmodo as a Blended Learning Strategy on Promoting Early Childhood Care Education and Pre-Service Teachers Academic Achievement in Mathematics. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 15(1), 1–11. Retrieved from