Career Planning and its challenges in the Nigerian Civil Service


  • I. Dialoke Department of Human Resource Management College of Management Sciences Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike


Career Planning, Nigeria civil service, training, nepotism, politics


Times have always been difficult and uncertain, especially when the existential concerns of the moment such as lack of funds, training, nepotism, greed, politics among many others have served as the basis for career and career planning in Nigeria civil service, much to the detriment of ethos and practices of equity and justice to all and sundry (including civil servants). Therefore increasing competition, accelerating change and relentless restructuring currently going on in Nigeria bureaucracy has made career planning critical and paramount for both organizations and employees. In the face of this dolorous situation, it has set forth career planning as the panacea to the issue of poor career development in modern Nigerian civil service. Explaining this issue remains the thrust of this study as it investigates career planning in Nigeria civil service.




How to Cite

Dialoke, I. (2023). Career Planning and its challenges in the Nigerian Civil Service. International Journal of Finance and Management in Practice (IJFMP), 2(1), 40–44. Retrieved from


