Instructions for Authors
International Centre for Integrated Development Research (ICIDR) publishes peer-reviewed journals on diverse scientific disciplines. Based on internationally accepted Best Practice Guidelines for Journals, authors are guided on the quality and originality of the manuscript submitted for publication in ICIDR journals. ICIDR journals, in line with the Committee for Publication Ethics on quality control, we publish articles that are original and innovative, written in scholarly acceptable English and uniquely focused on the problems confronting the emerging global society. Therefore, every manuscript must follow the format indicated below.
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- References
- Appendices
1. The title of the article should convey the topic of the research. Avoid using words that add little to the meaningfulness of the article. For example, "An empirical study of…", "A correlation field study of…", "A survey of…" "An analysis of…” Such words make the title too lengthy.
2. The title page should include a regular title of the paper, full authorship, an introductory footnote with author's academic qualifications, profession, titles, affiliations; mailing and e-mail address(es), and telephone number(s).
3. The abstract should not exceed one hundred and fifty words and should state the aim of the study, methodology, the main idea of the discussion as well as findings and conclusion.
4. The article must be a high quality research paper, which have pooled and integrated required information from personal experiences, researches, professionals' publications and academic sources to the development and advancement of knowledge. It must be directed to international readership.
5. The objective and relevance of the issues raised in the paper must be stated, and should be current.
6. The study must be supported by citations and references. Citations in the manuscripts should adopt author-date method except on special cases.
7. The tone of the written article should be very professional, free from the use of clichés, jokes or personal anecdote.
8. The findings must be described in terms intelligible to professional and nonprofessional as well as expert and non-expert readers.
9. Chemical equations must be written in the modern nomenclature of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
10. Microsoft equation editor should be used for mathematical symbols/equations.
11. References must be arranged in alphabetical order and must be consistent with the context citations.
12. The use of abbreviations for journal titles in the references must be avoided.
13. Page boundaries (numbers) of Journal articles and Book Chapters, as well as Publishers and City of publications of texts cited in the article must appear in the references.
14. Authors should ensure that all arithmetic calculations, statistical and numerical data, text citations, references, abbreviations and terminologies are accurate and consistent.
15. Figures, tables and drawings should be clearly shown and the position(s) marked in the article and should be in the form of a large black and white print.
16. Manuscripts are accepted for publication after a double-blinded refereed peer review.
17. Each journal is published three times in a year (April, August and December).
18. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double-spaced on A4 paper approximately 5 - 12 pages (including references and abstract). Lengthier manuscripts would attract additional charge.
19. Papers should be submitted electronically to: icidresearch(at)gmail(dot)com, review(at)icidr(dot)org.
20. All the authors are responsible for preparing manuscripts copy which is clearly written and should contain no spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors.
21. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject a manuscript where it fails to meet its standard/requirements, or infringes basic research ethics and such decision is final.