Peace Education And Youth Restiveness In The Niger Delta Of Nigeria


  • J. C. Iwok Department of Educational Foundations Akwa Ibom State College of Education, Afaha Nsit, Etinan, Nigeria


Niger Delta, Youth restiveness, Peace education


The study investigated peace education and youth restiveness in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. The population was made up of all youths in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. 60 youths were randomly sampled and placed into experimental and control groups of 30 each. The design was randomized pretest - post-test control group design. A comprehensive hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. The structured questionnaire which measured youth restiveness was found to have sufficient content and face validity. The internal consistency was established through pilot testing and yield Cronbach alpha of 0.72. The results showed that treatment factor produced significant mean difference between the experimental and the control groups in favour of the former. Peace education is therefore recommended as a reliable approach in curing youth restiveness in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. The study has shown that the one of surest way to curb youth violence and restiveness in the Niger Delta is through peace education.


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How to Cite

Iwok, J. C. (2011). Peace Education And Youth Restiveness In The Niger Delta Of Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 3(2), 87–93. Retrieved from


