Attitude Of Secondary School Students To Forestry As A Profession In Igabi Local Government Area Of Kaduna State, Nigeria


  • O. I. Faleyimu Federal College of Forestry Mechanization Afaka Kaduna, Nigeria
  • T. O. Faleyimu Baptist Central School II, Igboho, Oyo State, Nigeria
  • R. A. Suleman Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria/Trial Afforestation Project Kaduna, Nigeria


forestry profession, scholarship, attitude, secondary students


This study examined the attitude of secondary school students to forestry as a profession in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Five schools were randomly selected and twenty students randomly chosen in each school for questionnaire administration. 100% of the questionnaire distributed was returned. The findings revealed among others that if the respondents were reinforced with the award of scholarship to study forestry in the higher institution, higher percentage would like to study. Since Forestry profession still requires professionals trained on the job, it follows that interest in the profession should be stimulated right from secondary school levels. Based on this, the study recommended that Governments, Individuals, public and private organizations, NGOs and many others should encourage the students by awarding scholarships to those who intend to study forestry as a profession.

Author Biography

R. A. Suleman, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria/Trial Afforestation Project Kaduna, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Faleyimu, O. I., Faleyimu, T. O., & Suleman, R. A. (2009). Attitude Of Secondary School Students To Forestry As A Profession In Igabi Local Government Area Of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice (JSPAP), 1(3), 18–29. Retrieved from


