Teacher-Students’ Relationship and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Magu District, Tanzania


  • Mahona Joseph Paschal Department of Educational Foundation, St. Augustine University of Tanzania
  • Demetria Gerold Mkulu Department of Educational Foundation, St. Augustine University of Tanzania


Public Secondary Schools, Teacher - student relationships, Relationships, Academic performance


This study explored the influence of teacher – students’ relationship on students’ academic
performance in Tanzania using Magu District as a case study. The sample for this study was
130 respondents that were drawn from six public secondary schools both by using rondom
sampling and purposive sampling; 6 school Heads, 57 teachers, 66 students and one District
Educational Officer. A descriptive survey approach was used in this study. In order to get
information, the researcher used questionnaire and interview as instruments. The results of
this study indicated that teacher–students’ relationship is a crucial determinant and catalyst
to academic performance in Tanzanian public secondary schools. The study identified among
others that teacher - students relationships helps students to feel cared for by their teachers,
helps students to have freedom of expression in the classroom and help teachers and students
to be an integral part of the classroom as they participate actively. From the findings, it is
concluded that despite the fact that teachers and students were aware of the elements of
teacher- students relationships poor teacher – student relationships were still recorded in
schools. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers should introduce close relationshis with
students. Also, the study recommended that, performance of students can only be attained if
teacher – students relationships will be maintained.


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How to Cite

Paschal, M. J., & Mkulu, D. G. (2020). Teacher-Students’ Relationship and Students’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Magu District, Tanzania. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 11(1), 20–37. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jres/article/view/1498


