Knowledge Of Pre-Marital Genetic Screening Among Students Of Osun State Polytechnics In Nigeria


  • J. O. Odelola Human Kinetics and Health Education Department University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
  • O. Adisa Physical and Health Education Department Osun State College of Education, Ila-Orangun
  • O. A. Akintaro Human Kinetics and Health Education Department University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


gender, students, Pre-marital genetic screening


This study investigated the knowledge of pre-marital genetic screening among
students of Osun State Polytechnics. Descriptive survey research design was
used for the study. The instrument for data collection was self developed and
structured questionnaire in four likert-scale format. Descriptive statistics of
frequency count and simple percentage was used to analyse the demographic
data, while the parametric statistics of t-test set at 0.05 alpha level was used to
test the hypothesis. A total number of one thousand, one hundred and sixty-five
(1,165) Higher National Diploma students served as respondents for the study.
Multistage sampling technique was used in three stages, namely: purposive
sampling technique was used to select the schools; stratified sampling technique
was used to select the faculties, while proportionate sample of 25% was selected
from each stratum. Two research questions were asked and a comprehensive
hypothesis was formulated to guide the study. The value for difference in
knowledge due to gender was obtained. Based on this, it was concluded that
male students of Osun State Polytechnics have more knowledge of pre-marital
genetic screening than their female counterparts. The study therefore
recommended among other things that social expectations of individuals and
communities should be assessed properly before setting programme goals.

Author Biography

O. A. Akintaro, Human Kinetics and Health Education Department University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Odelola, J. O., Adisa, O., & Akintaro, O. A. (2011). Knowledge Of Pre-Marital Genetic Screening Among Students Of Osun State Polytechnics In Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 108–115. Retrieved from


