Knowledge And Intellectual Capital Management: The Competitive Edge In Today'S Global Economy


  • A. A. Akaso Maritime Academy of Nigeria, Oron, Akwa Ibom State


Efficiency, Intellectual Capital Management, Knowledge, Global Economy


This study examined the agility, absorptive and resilience capabilities of
organizations in accelerating their abilities to create, transfer, and deploy
knowledge in order to meet organizational current and future performance
capacity. The report deployed a descriptive research method. The research finding
revealed that management of organizational change is a challenging one that
firms must study continually in order to identify the skills set and needed to cope
with today's ever-accelerating pace; and that speed, flexibility, adaptability to
change are among the greatest concerns of firms in the new economy. It also
indicated that organizations that are able to deploy Knowledge Management
(KM) to meet current and future performance capacity are those organizations
that build the right kinds of change management capacity into their operating
systems. The study conclude that superior change-management practices that
build an organization's adaptive capacity by considering the individual
employees, team, organization, and industry, will support sustainable high
performance now and in the future.


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How to Cite

Akaso, A. A. (2011). Knowledge And Intellectual Capital Management: The Competitive Edge In Today’S Global Economy. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(3), 65–71. Retrieved from


