Applicability of Regression Model in Moderating Internal Assessment Scores in Senior Secondary Schools in Ekiti State-Nigeria


  • T. O. Abe Department of Mathematics, College of Education Ikere-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


Regression Model, Statistical Moderation, Internal Assessment Scores


This study investigated regression model of statistical moderation of
internal assessment scores. This is an ex-post-facto research design in
which there was no treatment and manipulation of subject instead it
involved the collection of data from records. Cluster sampling technique
was adopted to select five hundred students that were made up of fifty
students each from ten secondary schools. The hypothesis formulated for
the study was analyzed using Pearson-product-moment correlation
statistical technique. The results revealed that Regression model does not
utter the strength of relationships among the internal assessment scores in
Mathematics, English language and Biology and at the same time there
were significant relationships among the internal assessment scores in the
three subjects before and after the statistical moderation by regression
model. Based on this finding, the study recommended that regression model
should not be used as a means of moderating internal assessment scores
because it does not utter the strength of relationship as expected in order
to ascertain the quality control of teachers' assessment scores in Nigerian
Secondary Schools.


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How to Cite

Abe, T. O. (2011). Applicability of Regression Model in Moderating Internal Assessment Scores in Senior Secondary Schools in Ekiti State-Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and Society (JRES) , 2(1), 241–246. Retrieved from


