Ground Tire Chips Influence on the Rheological Properties of Grade 60/70 Bitumen used in Flexible Road Pavements


  • E. A. Igwe Department of Civil Engineering Rivers State University of Science and Technology Nkpolu-Oroworukwo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
  • C. Nwaobakata Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Port Harcourt Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria
  • D. B. Eme Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Port Harcourt Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria


Bitumen, Rheological Properties, Ground Tire Chips and Flexible Pavements


Improving on the performance of bituminous concrete (i.e. a typical flexible road pavement) has been one of the major concerns in highway engineering, due mainly to the problems of temperature susceptibility and oxidation of bitumen as a road construction material. This study was an experimentation of the ground tire chips influence on the rheological properties of grade 60/70 Bitumen used in flexible road pavements. The major aim was to determine the penetration value of modified bitumen with tire chips contents. However, there are several methods and techniques in which asphalt concrete pavement can be enhanced ranging from the use of high quality of aggregates used, to quality of binder used during construction. Other methods of improving the quality of the wearing course (pavement material) is by increasing the level of compaction on the bituminous concrete which in turn reduces the level of voids in the pavement material thereby making it denser and stiffer. However, for the present study the technique used was directed towards modifying the physical or rheological properties of grade 60/70 bitumen using a non-bituminous modifier: ground tire chips. The results revealed that the addition, of varying amounts of ground tire chips made from condemned car tires between 5-25% by weight of bitumen linearly improved the properties of the grade 60/70 bitumen considerably; thus providing bitumen that will enhance the overall performance of the asphalt road pavement.

Author Biography

D. B. Eme, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Port Harcourt Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Igwe, E. A., Nwaobakata, C., & Eme, D. B. (2012). Ground Tire Chips Influence on the Rheological Properties of Grade 60/70 Bitumen used in Flexible Road Pavements. Journal of Chemical, Mechanical and Engineering Practices (JCMEP), 2(3), 1–8. Retrieved from


