E-Library Approach For Resource Sharing In An Information Communication Technology Era: Issues, Prospects And Challenges


  • A. J. Aina Fatiu Ademola Akesode Library Lagos State University, Ojo Lagos, Nigeria
  • T. C. Ogundipe The Nigerian French Language Village, Badagry, Lagos State, Nigeria
  • Taiwo Adebowale The Polytechnic Library, Yaba College of Technology, Yaba Lagos Nigeria


E-library, resource sharing, information communication technology, issues, prspect, challenges


This paper examined the impacts of electronic library in the context of globalization for resource sharing with the recent trend of information communication technology (ICT) for library services. It also discusses the role of system librarian, acquisition of e-resources, approach, and challenges faced. It is hoped that when libraries are e–compliant, they will increase access, improve services, establish sharing partners with other institutions reduce the handling and use of fragile or heavily used original materials among other reasons. It is therefore recommended that, library being the nerve centre of any academic institution for information acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval and dissemination be charged with such
responsibilities as making information available in both prints,non-print and
electronically to the patrons, wider and dispersed learners irrespective of time, space and geographical location.The study advocates the creation of the post of information system librarian to take care and manage e-resources.




How to Cite

Aina, A. J., Ogundipe, T. C., & Adebowale, T. (2010). E-Library Approach For Resource Sharing In An Information Communication Technology Era: Issues, Prospects And Challenges. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 1(3), 108–119. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jcc/article/view/979


