Reading Culture As A Tool For Promoting Educational Development In Nigeria


  • M. F. Ogwu The College Library, Kogi State College of Education Ankpa, Kogi State, Nigeria


Reading culture, tool, educational development


The place of reading culture in educational development can best be described as strategic. The prevailing regime of poor reading habit among youths in Nigeria is highly disturbing because the situation is already adversely affecting the country socially, economically and politically. The government efforts in fighting illiteracy, examination malpractices and under development are speedily being thwarted by decline in reading culture among the general populace. This paper therefore reviewed conceptual definitions of reading culture and highlighted its importance to the individual and the country at large. It also locateed the place of the library in the promotion of reading culture in Nigeria and the effect of reading culture on
educational development. It was concluded that if the present low level of reading culture in the country is allowed to continue, it will lead to a retarded growth and development of the country. Therefore, setting up of functional libraries across all nooks and crannies of the country and embarking on attitudinal change campaigns in favour of reading culture are recommended among others.




How to Cite

Ogwu, M. F. (2010). Reading Culture As A Tool For Promoting Educational Development In Nigeria. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 1(3), 102–107. Retrieved from


