The Rudiments Of Highlife Music: Structural Anaysis Of Chrisogonus Ezewuiro Obinna (Dr. Sir Warrior) 'Ima Onye Wu Onye'


  • J. C Okoro Department of Music, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
  • I. I. Ikem Department of Music, Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Ndugbe


Highlife, Warrior's ethnography, Texture, Harmony, Rhythm, Melody


Primarily, this study beyond all reasonable doubt brings to limelight and logical conclusion, the rudimentary scope of Warrior's communication skills through highlife music. The skillful device he employed in his music are disposed in this work as appendages to prove further, his communication and creative ability, especially in the techniques and styles of highlife composition. An investigation into the musical resources unique with
Warrior's composition is of added advantage and also steps in the right direction in the study of music hybridization. Also it gears towards thwarting any wrong notion or unfounded allegations leveled against musical
conducts, which peradventure may have materialized into publications capable of tarnishing the artistes' image. Furthermore, the anatomy inherent in this study will be a stimulus for practising artistes and their managers in their bid to improve upon their artistic and economic wellbeing, and contribute to the economy of the country through highlife music. Fieldwork investigation and the print media constitute the major sources of the fact findings in accomplishing the Herculean task.




How to Cite

Okoro, J. C., & Ikem, I. I. (2009). The Rudiments Of Highlife Music: Structural Anaysis Of Chrisogonus Ezewuiro Obinna (Dr. Sir Warrior) ’Ima Onye Wu Onye’. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 1(1&2), 144–161. Retrieved from


