Improving Patronage in Business Organisations: The Referral Programme Option (A Study of Haier Thermocool Deep Freezer, Oshodi Local Government, Lagos, Nigeria)


  • S. O. Alebiosu Department of Marketing, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria
  • G. A. Saheed Department of Marketing, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria


Referral programme, customer, customer value, home appliances, word-of-mouth


Referral programme is one of the emerging phenomena in modern marketing. It
has become a popular way to win customers. The ultimate goal of marketing
effort is to maintain appreciable percentage of the market. This study examines
referral programme as it affects the purchase of Haier Thermocool Deep Freezer
with reference to Oshodi Local Government in Lagos. Direct interview and self
administered questionnaire were used to elicit information from 160 respondents
randomly chosen from within the Local Government. Simple percentage and
frequency counts were used to analyse the data collected. Findings show that
Haier Thermocool company at one time engaged in referral programme which
increases sales volumes. The study is concluded by recommending that Haier
Thermocool and its retail outlets should tenaciously integrate referral programme
strategy into their marketing activities to increase sales volume.


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How to Cite

Alebiosu, S. O., & Saheed, G. A. (2016). Improving Patronage in Business Organisations: The Referral Programme Option (A Study of Haier Thermocool Deep Freezer, Oshodi Local Government, Lagos, Nigeria). Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 7(1), 22–29. Retrieved from


