English and the Nigerian Situation: An Evaluation of Steps Exploited for the National Language Question in a Multilingual Environment-A Socio-linguistic Point of View


  • Barnabas Dick Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus
  • Utibe G. Ukpong Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus


English Language, Multilingual Posture of Nigeria, National Language Question, Multilingual Environment


This positional paper looks at the multilingual posture of Nigeria in the light of the national language question. It evaluates the steps exploited for solution to the National Language Question from a Socio-linguistic point of view. It shades light into the sociolinguistic factors, which had hitherto prevented the offer of expected solutions to the national language question. It addresses a different angle of the age-long Nigerian (black man) penumbra and the vexed issue of National language as a conglomeration of many ethnic nationalities loosely existing as a multilingual one-entity. This paper bears the frustrating roles of the multilingualism, multiculturalism and multi-ethnic-nationalities have hitherto played against the national desire and effort to choose a national language for Nigeria. It is the intention of the researchers of this work to re-evaluate the existing scholarly positions and opinions of other contributors on this issue in order to be in a better pedestal to offer a lasting solution and draw a conclusion on the issue which will be devoid of grounds that would nurture threats to the cooperate existence of Nigeria and to the language question. This paper therefore, suggests among others that a burning issue such as the one under study should be treated as a matter of urgent public importance at both the lower and the upper houses of the federation legislature.


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How to Cite

Dick, B., & Ukpong, U. G. (2024). English and the Nigerian Situation: An Evaluation of Steps Exploited for the National Language Question in a Multilingual Environment-A Socio-linguistic Point of View. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 12(1), 69–82. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Jcc/article/view/1065