Need Analysis of Oral English in Primary Schools: An Overview of a Project Proposition


  • Vero-Ekpris G. Urujzian Akwa Ibom State University, Obio Akpa Campus


English Language, Need Analysis, oral English, primary schools, project proposition


This paper examines the concept of Oral English, need analysis of Oral English, the place of English language in the Nigerian Educational System, the Place of Oral in the teaching of English language, Universal Basic Education Policies and Objectives with regard to Oral English Teaching, and the current state of Oral English teaching in Primary Schools. The paper also discussed challenges militating against effective teaching of oral English in primary schools and highlighted ways in which it can be enhanced through proper provision of resources like good English textbooks, qualified teachers, radio, television charts and well equipped Language Laboratory. Oral English is an important aspect of the English Language. The Teaching of Oral English has been very problematic over the years. Oral English is supposed to be practice oriented, however, more often than not, it is taught theoretically and without any practical or instructional materials like the radio cassette recorders, pre-recorded tapes, speech organs charts, model passages etc. to enhance and facilitate the teaching of Oral English. The paper concludes that Government should adhere strictly to English Language policy and make provision for special English teachers to be sent to all primary schools.


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How to Cite

Urujzian, V.-E. G. (2024). Need Analysis of Oral English in Primary Schools: An Overview of a Project Proposition. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 12(1), 27–38. Retrieved from