Adoption of Information and Communication Technology among Rural Farmers in Nigeria for Increased Agricultural Productivity


  • O. C. Nwankwo Abia State College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu, Abia State, Nigeria


ICT, Internet, rural farmers, Agricultural Productivity


This study reviewed the mechanics for the Adoption of Information and
Communication Technology for Agricultural Productivity among Rural Farmers
in Nigeria. Information and Communication Technology is a concept that has
become globally appreciated. It has made the world to assume a village status.
One will at his/her convenience monitor the events that happen all over the
world, via the internet, e-mail, e-system, digital and metro-digital machines and
a host of other information technologies available for the use of mankind. This
study has unveiled the fact that rural farmers are extremely far from current
developments in the farming industry as a result of their lack of ICT background.
Therefore, to keep the rural farmers on the track of current developments in the
agricultural sector, this study advocates frequent grassroot technological
education that will expose these farmers bit by bit to the ICT world until they
fully acclimatise.

Author Biography

O. C. Nwankwo, Abia State College of Education (Technical) Arochukwu, Abia State, Nigeria




How to Cite

Nwankwo, O. C. (2012). Adoption of Information and Communication Technology among Rural Farmers in Nigeria for Increased Agricultural Productivity. Journal of Communication and Culture (JCC), 3(3), 24–29. Retrieved from


