Hygiene and Sanitary Practices of Street Food Vendors in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria


  • T. A. Mangbon Department of Statistics, Federal School of Statistics, Manchok, Kaduna, Nigeria
  • W. D. G. Chintem Department of Biochemistry, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Street foods, hygiene, sanitary practice


The purpose of this survey is to address the public health issues related to personal hygiene and sanitary practices of Street Food Vendors in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria taking into consideration such ailments as typhoid, cholera, diarrhea, stomach pains, Lassa fever and Ebola. The population of the study comprises all street food vendors in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria. Random sample of 200 street food vendors selling commonly consumed food were selected to represent 13% of the total street food vendors in the study area. Data collection is carried out using pre-tested structured questionnaire and observations made. The data are analysed using frequency counts and simple percentage. The results obtained from this study indicated that street food vendors lack personal hygiene and sanitary practice. Only about 5.5% of the respondent had formal training on food preparation while 57.5% acquired the skill from their parents. The personal hygiene of the vendors revealed that 44% of the street food vendors use their bare hands while serving food. 60% chew/talk while serving food and about 82.5% business premises were in the place of preparation of vended food. More than one third of the vendors interviewed do not treat their water for drinking purpose while waste and leftover food are used as feed for domestic animal. Most of the vendors used dust bin and bushes respectively as waste disposal site. This study therefore recommends the monitoring of preparation and sales of street vended foods by relevant agencies to prevent infections from the vended foods. Orientation and training of food vendors on hygiene and sanitary practices is also recommended.

Author Biography

W. D. G. Chintem, Department of Biochemistry, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria




How to Cite

Mangbon, T. A., & Chintem, W. D. G. (2014). Hygiene and Sanitary Practices of Street Food Vendors in Southern Kaduna, Nigeria. International Journal of Health and Medical Information (IJHMI), 3(2&3), 49–57. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijhmi/article/view/660


