Factors of Substance Abuse among Students of Secondary Schools within Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria


  • F. A. Balogun Lead City University, Ibadan,
  • O. Arulogun Lead City University, Ibadan
  • T.A., Olowolafe Lead City University, Ibadan
  • T. O., Ogunwale Lead City University, Ibadan
  • O. Akanni Lead City University, Ibadan
  • O. Ilesanmi Lead City University, Ibadan


Substance abuse, psychological factors, young people, private secondary schools, public secondary schools


This study evaluated the parameters of substance accessibility and misuse in selected secondary public and private schools in Ibadan, Nigeria. Eight hundred and two participants who provided informed consent or assent were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique and a cross-sectional study design. Students from public and private secondary schools in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria, participated in the study. Participants were selected randomly. A self-administered socio-demographic questionnaire was used to gather data. Multiple logistic regressions, charts, Chi-square analysis, frequency tables and percentages were used to analyse the data. Out of 802 students, 28% had poor access to information concerning drug use, while 72% had acceptable access. The survey also showed that when it came to substance misuse, 99% of students had poor practices while 1% had good practices. This greatly raises the likelihood that the kids will experience psychological issues. Teen drug misuse has been linked to stress, drug availability, prescription medication for health issues, and performance improvement. These teenagers used substances regularly and with significant access. Since alcohol consumption is the drug most closely associated with detrimental psychological and academic effects, school-based treatments and initiatives should place a high priority on health education about the dangers of substance misuse and increase public awareness of student drug use.


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How to Cite

Balogun, F. A., Arulogun, O., Olowolafe, T., Ogunwale, T. O., Akanni, O., & Ilesanmi, O. (2024). Factors of Substance Abuse among Students of Secondary Schools within Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Health and Medical Information (IJHMI), 7(2), 39–58. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijhmi/article/view/1709