Factors Associated with Feelings of Unwellness in Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers in Ukwuani Local Government Area, Delta State: Implications for Health Education


  • I. N. Okudaye Physical and Health Education Department of College of Education, Agbor, Delta State, Nigeria


Unwelliness, Diabetes Mellitus and Health Education


This study adopts Ex-post-facto research design to find out those factors in
diabetes mellitus that contribute to feelings of unwellness among the sufferers. Four hypotheses are formulated to guide the study. Self structured questionnaire is used for data collection. Eighty diabetes mellitus sufferers formed the sample size of the study. Simple random sampling with balloting is used to pick the eighty respondents. The surface and content validity of the instrument was ascertained. A reliability co-efficient of 0.86 was obtained through test-retest process. Simple percentage was used to analyze the data collected for the study while Chi-square statistics was used to test the hypotheses. The results show that fear of rise in blood sugar level, dietary placement, feeling of lethargy and diabetes coma are factors associated with constant feeling of unwellness in diabetes mellitus sufferers. Based on these findings the researcher recommends programs which enhance wellness, health moves, with emphases on low-impact aerobic activity, minimal strength training and stretching and should not allow emotion to becloud their reasoning to the level of living in fear through one’s life.




How to Cite

Okudaye, I. N. (2014). Factors Associated with Feelings of Unwellness in Diabetes Mellitus Sufferers in Ukwuani Local Government Area, Delta State: Implications for Health Education. International Journal of Health and Medical Information (IJHMI), 3(2&3), 28–35. Retrieved from https://icidr.org.ng/index.php/Ijhmi/article/view/659


