Palm Weevil Larva (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) Consumption as Supplement of Human Protein in the Diets of Inhabitants of Bayelsa State, Nigeria


  • Medubari B. Nodu Department of Livestock Production Technology, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
  • Vincent K. Phiegbada Department of Livestock Production Technology, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria
  • O. J. Owen Department of Animal Science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Palm Weevil Larva, Meat, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, animal protein


This study is conducted to ascertain the level of acceptability of palm
weevil larva (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) as meat as well as protein
supplement in the diets of the inhabitants of Bayelsa State. The study’s
population comprises all the inhabitants of the eight Local Government
Areas of Bayelsa State, while the study sample size comprises 320
respondents. A structure questionnaire entitled “Palm Weevil Larva Meat
Questionnaire (PWLMQ)” was used to elicit information for the study.
Forty respondents were randomly selected from 5 communities in each
local government area. Data collected were analyzed using arithmetic
mean and percentage. The study reveals that the inhabitants of Bayelsa
State accepted and cherished eating the palm weevil larva as meat. While
some people preferred eating the cooked grub but significant others
cherished when fried. Since the grub would be of great benefit to the
livestock industry that the production of the grub should be encouraged
and the people of Bayelsa State enlightened on the production and
consumption of the grub as meat to augment the shortage of human protein
in the diet of the people in the study area.




How to Cite

Nodu, M. B., Phiegbada, V. K., & Owen, O. J. (2024). Palm Weevil Larva (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) Consumption as Supplement of Human Protein in the Diets of Inhabitants of Bayelsa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Health and Medical Information (IJHMI), 2(1), 32–35. Retrieved from


