Conflict Management in a Dynamic Work Environment: Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives


  • E. B. Essien Department of Economics, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa IbomState, Nigeria
  • F. E. Uko Department of Economics, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa IbomState, Nigeria


Conflict management, dynamic work environment


This study highlights some salient conceptual and theoretical issues in conflict management in a dynamic work environment. The economy and society are dynamic; consequently, their social, economic and political structures have undergone series of changes, which in turn exposes workers to new types of competition and challenges at their differing workplaces. In
social relations of production, labour of different skills and categories interact. Under this process, conflict is inevitable. What qualifies conflict as good or bad is the approach adopted in managing it. Poorly and haphazardly managed conflicts could result in damage to an organization and could erupt into crisis if not checked. Alternatively, properly and effectively managed conflicts can result in good to the organization as new ways of doing things will be learned by parties.




How to Cite

Essien, E. B., & Uko, F. E. (2017). Conflict Management in a Dynamic Work Environment: Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives. International Journal of Finance and Management in Practice (IJFMP), 5(1), 45–5. Retrieved from


