Probabilistic Model for Assessing Chloride Threshold for Variable bar Lengths in Reinforcement Corrosion


  • G. E. Okore Departments of Civil Engineering Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria
  •   S. Anyanwu Departments of Civil Engineering Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Imo State, Nigeria. Corresponding


Acceptable threshold value, characteristic length of rebar, acceptability coefficient


The focus of this study is on assessment of acceptable thresholds for chlorides (or failure probability) appropriate to the length of exposed structural member, from recommended threshold. It is commonly known that chlorides in exposed concrete induce corrosion (or pitting) in rebar. However, to initiate the corrosion process at the rebar surface, the content of chlorides has to exceed a certain threshold value. A plethora of environmental factors (micro and macro-climatic) can trigger the initiation of chlorideinduced corrosion in rebar that a single, globally accepted threshold value for chlorides with general applicability, does not exist. Nevertheless, research has recommended several thresholds for the onset of corrosion in different exposure environment. The acceptable threshold for chlorides can be described from the recommended via a statistical transform, by treating it as a size-dependent statistical phenomenon, for which theory of probabilistic reliability applies. This is because corroding spots on any surface of steel reinforcement and carbonated concrete are randomly distributed and appear to depend on the size of member. Therefore, it is suggested that the acceptable threshold for corrosion initiation, in reinforcing bar lying within carbonated concrete, be assessed statistically against a measurable structural length rather than service environment.


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How to Cite

Okore, G. E., & Anyanwu, S. (2023). Probabilistic Model for Assessing Chloride Threshold for Variable bar Lengths in Reinforcement Corrosion. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 4(1), 15–24. Retrieved from


