Mathematical Modelling Approach For Sensitivity and Stability Analyses of Cholera Disease in Aquatic Habitat


  • Ezekiel S. Umoh Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic, Ikot Osurua, Ikot Ekpene
  • Peters O. Nwagor Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Rivers State


Sensitivity, stability, dynamical system, cholera transmission, numerical scheme


A research is conducted on mathematical modeling approach for sensitivity and stability analyses of cholera disease in aquatic habitat. A deterministic mathematical model is formulated in the analyses of the degree of sensitivity and stability of the dynamical system which aid cholera transmission, spread and control. A numerical approach was adopted using the non-linear (autonomous 1st order) ordinary differential equations (ODE45 numerical scheme) to tackle the problem of sensitivity and stability. Results of sensitivity and stability analyses have significant epidemiological importance in Cholera control. Sensitivity indices of the basic reproduction number are derived, existence and stability of the model steady state based on threshold value were shown. The study further shows that long-term precise predictions of the concentration of infected cells during cholera could be difficult until these key parameters are correctly determined. These results are vital in the ongoing cholera vaccine development. An important parameter to cholera transmission is the contact between susceptible and infected persons, while a crucial parameter to cholera control is the rate of cholera awareness.


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How to Cite

Umoh, E. S., & Nwagor, P. O. (2024). Mathematical Modelling Approach For Sensitivity and Stability Analyses of Cholera Disease in Aquatic Habitat. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 8(1), 22–36. Retrieved from