Mathematical Model for Prediction of Metakaolin-Silica Fume High Strength Concrete


  • T. C. Nwofor Senior Lecturer
  • C. Ukpaka Post Graduate Student. Both are in the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Rivers State,


Metakaolin, Superplasticizier, High Strength Concrete, Silica fume


The application of mineral additives in concrete mix design for the purpose of obtaining high concrete strength is experimented in this study. A proportion of silica fume, Metakaolin and Superplasticizier are add to conventional cement-aggregate mix in different proportions and a compressive strength of about 60N/mm2 is targeted. Multiple regression models were then applied to the experimental data and predictive models obtained for 7, 14 and 28days.The basic observation seen by introducing two kinds of mineral additives is that 28th day strength of concrete with metakaolin gave a strength of 76.04N/mm2 at 10% replacement level while silica fume produced a 28th day strength of 73.76/mm2 at the same optimum replacement level with an average error of about 3.85% estimated between the experimental and predicted data. 


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How to Cite

Nwofor, T. C., & Ukpaka, C. (2023). Mathematical Model for Prediction of Metakaolin-Silica Fume High Strength Concrete. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 4(1), 1–8. Retrieved from


