Computational Model for Transient Stability Analysis of Power System in Nigeria


  • Chikezie, B. U. Department of Information Communication Technology Institute of Administrative Management of Nigeria (IAMN), Lagos Bayelsa State Campus.


Power flow, transient stability, simulation, modified Euler's method


A programme for handing and improving the transient stability of the Nigeria power grid electrical network was developed. The idea was demonstrated by applying it to the outages of the main generating units. The methodology was built upon a state of increasing power transfer through the health portion of the network during disturbances. There were there parts concerned; the first part was the developing of the load flow programme using fast decoupled method and transient stability programme using modified Euler's method in the step by step solution, the second part was the engagement between the two programs, the third part was the application of the new programme on the Nigeria power grid network (330KV). And finally a recommendation was given with the aim of achieving efficient power flow stability


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How to Cite

U., C. B. (2023). Computational Model for Transient Stability Analysis of Power System in Nigeria. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Intelligence (IJEMI) , 2(1&2), 41–47. Retrieved from


